Thursday, August 19, 2010


I made Husband take pictures with me, because even though we don't really like this job, I'm pretty sure we'll want to remember every detail of our little Alaskan Adventure. I just wanted to get the details of his uniform and practice some more.

We are coming home in 2 days and are super excited! I just hope that when we look back on this, we'll see all the good that came out of it instead of the bad. It's been a great journey that we've taken together and I love Husband even more than before.


I made Husband take pictures with me, because even though we don't really like this job, I'm pretty sure we'll want to remember every detail of our little Alaskan Adventure. I just wanted to get the details of his uniform and practice some more.

We are coming home in 2 days and are super excited! I just hope that when we look back on this, we'll see all the good that came out of it instead of the bad. It's been a great journey that we've taken together and I love Husband even more than before.

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Little Bit of Positive In Our Lives

So Annie and I have recently accepted jobs that are definitely out of our comfort zone. They are a lot more stressful and difficult than our previous jobs and have placed us in situations where we have had some definite learning and growing experiences. We like what we are doing, however there are times when negativity can creep in. We have realized that letting that creep in is worse than the actual trial so we have decided to just talk about a couple of things we are grateful for everyday so we can come closer together, closer to God, and realize how truly blessed we are.

What Superman is grateful for:
  1. How truly kind hearted his wife is. Her capacity to love and be kind to others seems to me to be far beyond my own and I look up to her for that.
  2. His wife cuddling up to me in the middle of the night. As a guy, I want to make sure my wife knows I will be her protector. I want her to feel she is safe. Every night when she does that, it is a small subtle reminder that she feels that way with me.
  3. My job keeps me active and I love being around people and talking to people. I don't have to sit in an office all day and waste away.
  4. My job gives me confidence. Not that I lack confidence, but I can definitely be more assertive with things. I get a chance to work on that everyday.
  5. I am grateful for both my wife's family and my family. It seems that whoever it is, my brother, my dad, my mom, my sisters, my mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law, they always seem to give me and my wife the lift we need at just the right moment.

What Annie is grateful for:
1. A husband that spoils me. Seriously. He does. I finished this book and I had to get the second one right away because I was addicted and he gave in to my fettish and bought my book. That's true love right there.
2. A very warm husband that when it gets cold at night, lets me snuggle up next to him.
3. (this is cheating with our rules, but I had to add one more thing about Superman) I love how I dream constantly about Superman (my husband) and wake up only to find that I get to keep the man of my dreams.
4. An actual job.
5. A job that keeps me updated with my husband's progress and gives me a chance to cheer him on.
6. My bike that gets me from point A to point B and gives me something to do.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Because it needs to be said

Something has been on my mind for the past couple of days that I feel needs to be said. Although it is difficult and I probably wont say it the right way, I still need to express it.

Here it is:

I am not one who usually writes or comments on political issues online for fear of ill feelings or contention being created. This is a real issue that I need to address and I feel needs to be said so others can say it too.
I have some friends that support gay marriage and have very openly placed videos and comments online letting the world know how they feel about this particular issue. I respect their opinions and hope that even though I am contradicting them today, they will not be mad with me. Now, when I saw a certain friend of mine post a video supporting their views on the subject, I got to thinking, "why do I oppose gay marriage?" I thought of a lot of reasons that are very logical and that could be brought up in a very intelligent conversation, but those reasons do not matter when placed under the ultimate reason. That reason, the reason why I am so strongly against it, the reason that rules out all other reasons, is because Heavenly Father says it is wrong. I DO NOT NEED ANOTHER REASON.
My Heavenly Father has manifested himself to me and I have a sure knowledge that He lives and that He loves each and everyone of His children. Yes, you can love someone without loving what they are doing, and even though he is against gay marriage, He still loves His children. I am not following blindly, but I am following with a certain and steadfast knowledge that the only reason I need to do or not do something in this world is because God has asked me too. I CHOOSE to follow Him. I have chosen because through experiences and through trials I have faced, I have come to know Him as my best friend and as someone I can trust. Throughout time, people have tried to deny His existence, or even prove that He does not exist, but of all the ever changing things that this world has endured, the one thing that has not changed, and will continue to not change, is the fact that there is a God and that people have believed in Him. I know He exists and for whatever reason (which I will gladly respect) others choose not to believe and choose not to open their eyes to the manifestations He has made to them of Him.
Reasons, are just reasons but God is reason.

I do not need to justify myself further, or even at all. It is what it is.

I disabled the comments, not because I do not respect others' opinions, but because I ask for respect of mine.

Thank you,

Annie T.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Flirt

Wholey MOLEY my wife is Hot! I just wanted to say that. I had such a great time last night just flirting with her. We spent like 45 minutes last night after scripture reading, just flirting like crazy. I sometimes get so caught up in the day to day activities that I forget how much fun it is to flirt with her. I think that flirting definitely needs to happen at least every day and so I am going to try and find some way to spend time just flirting with her.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Strange I know, but blogs are supposed to be random though right?

In Genesis 39, we find Potiphar's wife and her seduction of Joseph. I found myself feeling sorry for the wife of Potiphar, after being with my wife and loving her for so long, and how she makes me feel and how she feels about me, I wonder if Potiphar was treating his wife like he was supposed to. I wonder if she was getting the love that she needed. It made me want to love Britni that much more and to meet her needs. Potiphar's lack of fidelity shouldn't have been used as an excuse by Potiphar's wife to also be unfaithful, but I can see that without the belief of the Savior in her life how difficult it must have been to love someone who may not give you love in return. She must have felt very lonely at times. I am so grateful for my temple marriage to Britni and for the love that she shows me. I love her so much and am so lucky to be with her for forever.She is the most amazing, most loving, most incredible wife in the world, and my only hope is that I will be able to meet any and all of her needs that I am capable of meeting.


Friday, February 5, 2010

The Husband Who Keeps Me Alive

It's been a long, frustrating, hard month of January. I have felt like my brain explodes every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Which is not a very pleasant feeling.

It wasn't anything big, just a bunch of small things. Things like: Kisses goodnight, a greeting every morning of a smile followed by "Hey Beautiful!", and opening my doors. It's things like that, that keep me going. He just makes me feel like I'm worth something, even when I'm failing at so much (especially math). I can honestly say that he is my Superman and I am the damsel in much distress. He is the breath to my life and the air in my lungs. I breathe for him, I wake for him, I live for him. It just makes me so thankful to a Heavenly Father who loves me so much to put a man like Husband on the earth at the same time as me. How can someone so wonderful exist, and what did I do to deserve him?

Today we talked about plans for the future. I don't know where it will take us, but I do know that whatever happens, it will be wonderful with him by my side.

Annie T.